Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Woah! When did I become a big kid?

I think it's finally hit me that I only have 3 more semesters of college left before I walk across the stage and have to be a grown up.

The time left hit me over the weekend. My roommate from freshman year came by with one of our friends and we started talking about some of the crazy things that happened over our first year. We were wondered where the time went because we felt like we just awkwardly met each other on the basketball courts by Founders hall at the freshmen pizza party.

It also hit me over the summer since it was my first summer away for an internship, working with Tiffin University's football team. I also met with someone to talk about a future internship working in athletic fundraising. In talking with this person, I learned that his old assistant is now the assistant for the athletic director and a year ago she was a waitress. Hearing and experience that put things in perspective and I'm honestly wondering when it became time for me to think about what I really wanted to do after graduation.

But, I am glad that I have had the different opportunities presented to me. Now, it is time to put all of it to use.

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