Saturday, November 2, 2013

OMG Batman, It's Halloween in Ada

Well, I haven't been out that much this year and what's a better weekend then Halloween. I spent Halloween night in Walmart helping my boyfriend to find a mask to wear with his Spider-Man shirt, he took from me, and add some things to my Catwoman costume.

To start off the weekend, my best friend, her roommate and I ate spaghetti and garlic bread while watching TLC's Bride Day shows on last night. Tonight, her and I are going to one of the football houses, the Goat House, for their  Halloween party (she's the Batman to my Catwoman) and to help them celebrate their win today. It also is my second weekend of being legal so we are also going to celebrate that by trying some stuff we found on Pinterest.

So, I'm excited to see what tonight holds here in the A-d-a. Happy Halloween everyone!


  1. I hope you had a fun Halloween and enjoyed your second weekend of being 21! I have to say, I haven't been out that much this year either, and I'm a little bummed I didn't dress up for Halloween this year. I really wanted to dress up as Alice in Wonderland, but I was pretty busy with Delta Zeta activities and didn't have time to get a costume ready. Plus, I wasn't able to find anyone willing to let me turn them into the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp version, of course).

    1. I did have a pretty good time at football and it was good seeing you. I LOVE that version of Alice and Wonderland! If you do it for next year I got you. But, I hope you had fun at football for the time you were there.

  2. First off, I LOVE TLC's Bride Day shows! My friends and I like to stay in sometimes and just be girls and get excited about the bride shows. Second, I'm glad I was able to see you last weekend. It was great seeing everyone dressed up and check out the creative costumes. Halloween was definitely a great time here at Northern. I hope you enjoyed yourself as well!

    1. Yea my friend, Hannah, and I said we're just going to stay in again on Friday and pig out while watching Bride's day and Disney movies. I'm glad I saw you too! The costumes were hilarious and there were so many variations of Miley. One of the football players Miley made my day. He had on whitey tighties and a cut off wife beater and was given twerking lessons by some of the freshman basketball players. It was a fun night.

    2. Kaila, I hope you had an enjoyable Halloween weekend. I can only imagine how great you and your boyfriend looked in your costumes. I wish I would have seen you both out! Also, I have to say, I love spaghetti and garlic bread. Add some meatballs to the spaghetti and garlic bread and you've got yourself one of my favorite meals. Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

    3. We had a buch of fun! We should have a spaghetti day next in Aggy's class because that does sound really good. It was a good/fun weekend.
