Sunday, November 10, 2013

Oh What a Social World We Live In

Social media had changed the way we have done many things and has cause a need for people to change their perspective on how they present their businesses. 

Katie Paine gives us a three part social media revolution or 3 areas where she thinks that our thought process needs to shift because of social media.
      1. Timeliness has been redefined
               -There's been a change in how we think about time in the business world now because 
               responding to people within a day or two is no longer thought to be responsive or responding 
               in real time. Katie suggests that responding before it goes viral. Brand monitoring should be a 
               daily process if you aren't doing it hourly. 
                     - One example of this going wrong was Domino's Pizza. A video about the less than 
                      desirable conditions in one of their restaurants went viral and the communications office 
                      didn't respond until 48 hours later. In that time they sales had dropped significantly.
                             -That leads perfectly in to crisis communication because you need to prepared to give 
                             a quick response. Companies need to have their brand influencers identified before 
                            problems come up and be aware of possible things they can/will say something about. 
      2. The role of marketing and communications has been redefined
                -Social media and the internet in general has given us the opportunity to ask friends and 
                 others for their opinions before decided on things like where we should go to dinner, what 
                 movie we should go see, etc. 
                     -A personal example, my family and I spend a good amount of time in Chicago, but when 
                     we go we always try to find different restaurants to try instead of going to our staples the 
                     whole time. So, our main tools are Yelp! and Open Table. We just plug in our current 
                     location and look up places close by and we pick a few that sound good and go through 
                     the reviews. One weekend we found a restaurant for Sunday brunch, Table 52, that was 
                     located in  a spunky area away from the hustle and bustle of downtown. We chose it 
                     because of the description as well as the raves of the desserts and the untraditional takes  
                     on traditional brunch foods. And I can say their take on Shrimp and Grits was REALLY 
 Table 52 (52 West Elm St. Chicago)
      3. Most definitions of success are irrelevant
              -Success based on the number of eyeballs or impressions in the world of social media is hard 
               to keep up with and really doesn't matter. Those of us study Public Relations have had the 
               next phrase shoved in our face countless times, but it's important ---> 
               RELATIONSHIPS ARE KEY!  Measuring them by engagement is the best way to count 
              success in social media. 
                 -I think I've used this example before but I'll use it again. Over the summer I got a new 
                  laptop from Apple and my little brother got my old one. At Apple they transfer all the stuff 
                  you have on one laptop/computer to the new one, which is helpful (my first impression of 
                  service). Until you find out that your supposed to turn off your iCloud after a good chunk of 
                 your contacts are gone. I spoke to two people the night that happened and lost my contacts 
                 right after Apple told me how to fix the problem. So sensing my frustration (and countless 
                 angry tweets while this is all going on) they hooked me up with a "geek", they use the word             
                 Genius, in a higher position the next morning. I told him my problem and he walked me 
                 through the same process from the night before which of course led to the same ending, he 
                 tried it again but with an extra step and then gave me his email, phone number, work hours, 
                 and told me that I needed to contact him personally anytime I had problems with any of my 
                 Apple products. 

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