Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Taking a look at Non-Profits

Katie Paine and any good PR practitioner could tell you that relationships are key in any organization, but especially in non-profits. Non-profits rely heavily on people volunteering and willing to donate.

Measuring how these relationships can impact a non-profit is important and Katie gives 3 reasons for the importance.

1. Social Media: Social media has brought out new ways to reach community stakeholders and not measuring will provide no judgement on which will be most effective. There are also a number of easy no-cost or low-cost tools to create communities in order to stay in touch with stakeholders. 
    Example: Prom Genie, an Indianapolis based non-profit, uses its 
    Facebook page to tell people about it's events, where donations 
   can be made and how they can be made, and how to apply for 

2. Metrics: Recently, non-profits have to act like for-profits because of the recent financial difficulties when it comes to measuring. Non-profits are keep those difficulties in mind by adding board members in from the for-profit sector.
      Example: Prom Genie  brought in someone with a background in compliance, business
     development, and management that has worked with big name companies like Wells Fargo and 

3. Accountability: In turn, donors and contributors are increasingly demanding on what their gifts are being used for by the organizations. 
      Example: Prom Genie provides high school junior and senior girls with prom dresses and 
      accessories. They also provide three seniors with scholarships every year, which makes having 
      financial donations very important. However, getting the motto, "It's more than just a dress", across 
      to donors is very hard because of the name. Board members have to be detailed in telling donors 
      that they provide scholarships and are also looking into having a college fair this year. 

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