This week as I scrolled through my Twitter timeline, I found one of my followers/"followees"extremely bothered by one of his retweets and out of curiosity I went to check it out. When I went to look at it, I instantly caught his irritation. Two of the three people in the picture were representing George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. The kid who was supposed to be Trayvon Martin is in Blackface with a hoodie with a "blood spot" where his heart is located while his friend wears a hoodie with "Security Watch" in iron letters across the front as he held his hands in the shape of a gun to "Trayvon's" head (the picture above).
As I looked at the picture, it was hard to breathe because I couldn't gather the thoughts to even begin to understand how that would ever be ok in someone's mind. The level of insensitivity for the family or how this could raise the level of tension from the case didn't seem to be thought about. Along with the picture I also began to see links and statuses about related topics. One post that caught my eye was a chart to tell if your costume was racist (Is Your Costume Racist? Chart) .
Another picture that was originally posted on Twitter is slowly making its rounds to other social networks and I found it on Facebook. It's two girls in BlackFace, but this time with a caption using the n-word. All I want to know is when did making a mock of someone's death, whether you agree with circumstances of the trial and/or situation, ever ok and what where are the parents. Seeing things like this and the constant debate of whether using the term "Redskins" as a team name definitely makes one wonder if racism every really faded away in the first place.